(S)-(-)-1-Phenylethanol [CAS 1445-91-6]

CAS Number: 1445-91-6
Molecular Weight: 122.16
Molecular Formula: C8H10O
Product ID: FX-011 Categories: , ,


(S)-(-)-1-Phenylethanol can be prepared from acetophenone via bioreduction in the presence of Rhizopus arrhizus as a biocatalyst

Alternate Names: (-)-Methyl phenyl carbinol; (S)-(-)-α-Methylbenzyl alcohol; (S)-(-)-sec-Phenylethyl alcohol
Application: (S)-(−)-1-Phenylethanol is a reagent used for the synthesis of optically active compounds
Physical State : Liquid

Storage : Store at room temperature

Melting Point : 9-11° C (lit.)

Boiling Point : 88-89° C (lit.) at 10 mmHg

Density : 1.01 g/mL at 20° C